How To Replace Cartridge For Your Turntable?
Cartridge Replacement:
1. Before replacement, put the stylus protector back on the stylus to prevent damage to the stylus during the replacement process.
2. Carefully remove the wire leads from the original cartridge.
3. Loosen the two screws on the headshell that are securing the cartridge and then remove the original cartridge.
4. Mount the new cartridge to the headshell and tighten it lightly. Do not completely tighten the screws at this moment.
5. Connect the wire leads to the new cartridge’s terminals. The wire lead color codes are as below:
White Left channel positive (L+) Red Right channel positive (R+)
Black Left channel negative (L–) Black Right channel negative (R-)
6. Adjust the cartridge’s position to make sure it is precisely aligned on the headshell so that the stylus will be tracking the grooves in parallel perfectly.
To achieve this, place the included paper cartridge alignment protractor over the turntable spindle, carefully lift the tonearm and place the tip of the stylus on the points marked 130mm and 250mm respectively. Fine-tune the cartridge’s position on the headshell until the cartridge is perfectly in parallel with the reference lines at both points.
7. Tighten the screws completely once the perfect alignment is achieved.
If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with completing this procedure, we recommend consulting with a professional to perform the installation.
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